Return / Refunds

There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted
(if applicable). Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error.

If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be transferred to your payment account within several days. Shipping cost for refunds will be full responsible of customer.


Our policy last for 3 days after customers have received the package. We only accept item to exhange if there any damaged or deformed inside, contact our customer service via email tomsproject97@gmail.com for confirmation. We just processed item that have been confirmed

The finery that wish to be exchange must have their original tags attached, must be free from wear, wash, iron, damage, odor, stain,
or any other condition that prevent them from being sold as new.

Shipping cost for returning item will be your full responsibility.

Exchange item must be send to our warehouse maximum three days
after the exchange has been confirmed


Your items will be processed after you complete the payment and confirm through here.

Frequently Asked Question

How Do I Make Purchase?

  • Browse Toms Project
  • Click the product category or you can enter into the search box
  • After find the finest product you want click ”Add To Cart” button
Check out process

Contact Us

For all other enquiries, our customer service representatives will be
available through the following means:

E-mail: tomsproject97@gmail.com
Phone: +62 8211 9603 490