Toms Project is a clothing product that builds fun in clothing style (Youth Rebellious). Toms Project was present in 2014 from Bandung to organize local community space. The encouragement of abstract ideas from designs that are not only spoken through words but through an image printed on cloth. Toms Project will be ready to provide for the happiness of local and international consumers! Toms Project will always do discount promos for every purchase you choose.



Toms Project strives to influence and support the designs we create so that they can be integrated and accepted among young people, especially in the music community (punk, hardcore, metal, and hip-hop), extreme sports (skate/BMX), and street culture.


Toms Project is determined that a strong spirit and teamwork will give birth to the best ideas and will overcome every challenge to achieve the goal. In addition. Toms Project will be easy to connect and integrate through culture, social, and digital world. We will build relationships with consumers and collaborate with outside parties so that we will get a unique perspective from the consumer side and create something different.